Archive for January, 2013

Switching Armies?

It’s been a long time since I posted here for real (the WordPress auto-generated “end of 2012” statistic post doesn’t count) and I want to mention exactly why that is, but it’ll have to wait for another post. Soon.

However, I did want to mention some stuff about my recent hobbying, so I figure here’s a good place to do it. Though I’ve been building pretty steadily since my last post, I haven’t actually played a game since mid-December. In that game, Kevin’s Eldar crushed my sad, stupid Chaos Space Marines, and made me take a long hard look at my new codex.

Then the new Dark Angels codex came out.

Google Image Search, you so crazy

Google Image Search, you so crazy

At this time, I’m putting my Chaos army on the shelf. I may sell them, but I haven’t decided yet. I think Games Workshop did a real disservice to the Chaos codex, especially when comparing it to the codex that they published before it (Necrons) and the codex after (Dark Angels). I could get into a long discussion about it and mention stats and force org comparisons and whatnot, but I don’t feel like it at this time. There are plenty of threads at Dakka Dakka and Warseer and other message boards that go over these issues in exhaustive detail, but let me just say that those bits of information are only part of the issue, and the other part of it is highly intangible and emotion-based. I can’t really describe it more than that, and due to this I’ve decided to put them on the shelf (for now) and not just sell the army outright on eBay or Bartertown.

So as it stands, I’m going back to my Black Templars and the allies that I’ve chosen for them, being at this time the Grey Knights and the Ultramarines. I have a game tonight against Kevin’s same Eldar list and tomorrow night I have a game against Jason’s Dark Eldar list. And though I doubt I’ll win either (as they’re both better players than me) I will probably at least feel better about my army, and for whatever reason, that’s pretty important to me.

2012 in Automated Review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for me, so take a look at it if you want. I’ll have a more specific end of the year report up soon.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 18,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 4 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

atom smashing

A gaming blog talking about miniatures games, miniatures painting and collecting, game design and other nerdly delights.

The Statistics – 2013

Minis games played:
• WH40k (1850 pts):
   BT/GK vs Kevin (Eldar/DE) LOST
• WH40k (1500 pts):
   BT vs Jason (D.E.) LOST
• WH40k (1500 pts):
   BT vs Kevin (S.W.) LOST
Minis finished:
 none yet
Terrain finished:
 none yet
Cons attended:
 Fire & Ice
updated 28FEB2013

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