Archive for December, 2012

More Building Progress and the Apocalypse

Due to the holidays and work and a few other things, I’ve been a bit slow on my posts here. But I have been working on the hobby and trying new things, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

I’ve been building new stuff for my Chaos Space Marine army. Although there are many actual models released for the line (including some new units released in the new book) there are anyways still units in the book that there are no actual models for. Case in point: the Nurgle Chaos Lord on Bike with Lightning Claw and Power Axe. Try and find a model for it on the website; it’s not there. I’ve looked. So I’m making my own.

Greasy Rider

Greasy Rider

So he sits on a Chaos Bike (‘natch) and his torso/head combination is a Forge World Death Guard piece. His lightning claw is from the new Chaos Space Marine Raptor/Warp Talon kit (the first time there have ever been Chaos lightning claws for sale) and his power axe is actually from a Beastman kit in the Warhammer Fantasy line. I made sure to magnetize the two arms so they could be swapped in with other arms when needed. I added some Green Stuff and modeled it to look Nurgle-y, which was fun. He needs a little more work (with some Liquid Green Stuff and maybe a trophy or some spikes, and then some basing) and then he’ll be ready for priming and paint.

And even though there are plenty of models for new units in the codex, sometimes I just don’t like those models and end up building my own. In this case, it’s the new Dark Apostle. He’s like an evil chaplain, and the new model is cool, but he’s made in Games Workshop’s Finecast resin instead of their excellent injection-molded plastic. He had a lot of small pieces and fine parts, and models like that in Finecast always make me nervous. As I’ve said in the past, if he was a Nurgle unit, I’d be fine with using Finecast, as bubbles and imperfections are part of the look, but in other units I’m leery. So again, I made my own.

Dark Apostle Gonna Hate

Dark Apostle Gonna Hate

The robed legs are from the Dark Angels upgrade sprue, the torso is from the Possessed troops, the head is from the Berzerkers kit, the staff is the icon holder’s pole from the regular CSM troop sprues with the standard Chaos icon on top, and the scrolls and books are mainly all from the Grey Knights. I’m going to paint the scrolls and books to look like they were holy Imperial texts and then I will blaspheme them with Chaos icons and such. I’m going to try to put extra effort into this figure when it comes time to paint, and may even attempt a bit of freehand. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m pretty happy with the modeling so far.

Lastly, I played in my first Apocalypse game at Fire For Effect Games a few weeks ago. I brought about 2200 points of Chaos Space Marines and we had me and five other players on the “bad guys” side. We were up against six players on the Imperial side, including a pretty cool Titan model made out of paper.

So many models, and you can kinda see the Titan off in the distance

So many models, and you can kinda see the Titan off in the distance

It was cool to see, but it was a little too much for me. I seem to like smaller games and will probably stick to 1 vs. 1 or maybe 2 vs. 2 in the future. That being said, we did win, however. Suck it, Corpse God!

atom smashing

A gaming blog talking about miniatures games, miniatures painting and collecting, game design and other nerdly delights.

The Statistics – 2013

Minis games played:
• WH40k (1850 pts):
   BT/GK vs Kevin (Eldar/DE) LOST
• WH40k (1500 pts):
   BT vs Jason (D.E.) LOST
• WH40k (1500 pts):
   BT vs Kevin (S.W.) LOST
Minis finished:
 none yet
Terrain finished:
 none yet
Cons attended:
 Fire & Ice
updated 28FEB2013

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